How To Be Smart When Others Aren’t

contrast shower

What keeps us from being smart when it comes to contrast hydrotherapy? In a word:


Yes, cold.

And many suffer much more than they should because of this shocking, one-syllable word. There are ways to temper the treatment, but first the why. Why would we even want to subject ourselves to such a four letter word? Why indeed!

The Difference Between Sickness and Wellness 

The contrast shower is the king of the therapies because it increases immunity and circulation. We are not talking about a wimpy, mildly effective treatment here. We are talking about the most powerful stimulation we can give our circulatory and immune systems. This literally can make the difference between a long illness and a short one, or even getting sick at all!

No Better Way

Taking contrast showers and baths is nothing new. It has been used all over the world for thousands of years. The reason they have endured is because few things can boost our health quicker and more dynamically than hot and cold water. The contrasting application of hot and cold is the most effective way to move the blood and the lymph, bar none. There is no better way to stimulate the nerves, tone the muscles, and tune the emotions. This is the mightiest treatment available to the human body. It is forceful and effective.

The Coolest Thing About Contrast Showers

But the most important factor in the power of the contrast shower is its simplicity and affordability. It is available to everyone in one of the most common places—a place that everyone sings and soaps every day—the shower. This is the coolest thing about this almighty therapy.

contrast shower12 Effects of a Contrast Shower:

  • Pumps the capillary circulation, increasing flow to the extremities
  • Increased circulation flushes out the circulatory system
  • Pumps the lymphatic circulation, increasing immunity against infection and disease
  •  Increased circulation provides new blood, which nourishes and detoxifies the body systems, increasing organ/gland function and hormonal activity
  • Contracts the muscles which brings nourishment and elliminates toxins
  • Normalizes blood pressure throughout the body
  • Strengthens the nerves, which can help insomnia
  • Heightens mood and motivation, fights depression, and induces whistling and yelling
  • Increases strength and energy
  • Increases oxygen by increasing the breath rate, especially when turned to cold!
  • Better circulation reduces pain
  • Brings life and tone to the skin

OK, You’re Convinced. But, But…It’s Cold!

A hot and cold shower would positively impact your health, but it comes that breath-stopping catch we started out with. I can already see you shuddering. Admittedly, it is what keeps many from experiencing the power of this healing therapy. contrast showerThey just don’t have the fortitude to turn that knob to cold.

A Few Suggestions for the Timid Among Us

Okay, so “wimp” is a bit harsh. Is timid a better word? Either way, here are a few things that can help you turn that knob:

  • First, don’t even think about going cold until you are warm to the core. A cold shower doesn’t set well with a chilled body.
  • Second, start out with short cold cycles. It is always the first two times you go cold that are the most shocking anyway. After that, the body gets accustom to it. You can go with longer cold a few cycles into it when there isn’t as much of a jolt factor.

So What Is Keeping You From Turning That Knob?

There is nothing like that shower knob for jump starting your health, especially if you are feeling sick or off. We know you’re really no wimp, so get brave and live on the wild side for a few minutes. No drug is able to replicate the results. It will transform more than just the color of your skin. It will rejuvenate your health.

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