How To Heal Yourself (Even If Your Doctor Can’t)

healing hydrotherapyYou have a secret weapon against disease. It’s a weapon that has saved many a soul in times when doctors didn’t know what to do. It is one of the most effective and time-honored healers known—and one of the 8 foundational natural healers: nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, balance, fresh air, rest, and trust in divine power.

A Powerful Therapy

It’s called hydrotherapy—healing water—and it is your ticket to hyper jumpstarting your body. Among other things, water can stimulate your immune system, detoxify your body, equalize your system, stabilize your body temperature, and stimulate your nerves.

The Hydrotherapy Circulation Pump

Hydrotherapy’s therapeutic action comes from its ability to increase circulation. All pathology or weakness in the body is associated with a breakdown in circulation. Consequently, breaking up that congestion is one of the most powerful tools we have to reverse disease.

Water is one of the most effective tools available to do that—specifically, hot and cold water used in contrast. I have seen positive results with the use of hot and cold water over and over again in my life,  whether it is driving out infection, easing congestion, or regenerating tissue.

Pump In Health, Pump Out Disease

Hot water acts to bring blood to the surface of the skin which engorges the peripheral blood vessels. Then the cold water constricts the blood vessels and drives the blood deep.  As the process is repeated, it circulates the blood back and forth through the area being treated. This restores the breakdown in the system, bringing fresh oxygen and nutrition and removing wastes and toxins. Contrast showers also increase the respiration rate which brings more oxygen to the congested area.

The Peripheral Heart

One of the strengths of this type of treatment is its effectiveness in increasing peripheral circulation. The blood vessels of the body are in a state of continual change. They are constantly dilating and contracting, about once a minute. They fill with blood as they dilate and, as contraction occurs, the blood is moved onward. This pumping action of the blood vessels is so powerful and important for circulation that the small blood vessels, as a system, have been called the peripheral heart.

What Hydrotherapy Does to the Blood

Hydrotherapy causes a marked increase in the number of blood cells in peripheral circulation. This increases red blood cells from 20 to 35% and white blood cells from 200 to 300%. The hemoglobin increases 10% or more.

Yes, That Was 200-300%!

The combination of an increase in red blood cells, blood flow, and hemoglobin (and its oxygen carrying capacity) can, with repeated administration, produce permanent improvement in circulation and a progressive increase in red cells and hemoglobin until normal conditions are restored. With infectious disease, however, it is the increase in the number and activity of white blood cells that makes the difference.

The White Blood Cell Will Never Take Second Place

healing hydrotherapyNotwithstanding the many germicides and anticeptics that have been vaunted for the treatment of infectious diseases, the white blood cell itself is the most efficient germicide known and will always retain its high place in the defense of the body against the invasion of pathogens. Furthermore, any agent that assists the body by optimizing its natural powers of defense will never occupy a place secondary to a purely artificial and chemical means of destroying harmful microbes. Many a case of influenza or pneumonia has been resolved by the informed application of hydrotherapy.

Up With Alkalinity, Down With Acid Waste Products

This treatment also supports the white blood cells in their job by normalizing the blood’s pH. Sickness often diminishes blood alkalinity. Contrast applications (the cold part) increase the alkalinity of the blood by burning up the acid waste product buildup during sickness.

Energy: An Added Benefit

The cold water in hydrotherapy can also almost double muscle capacity, often bringing fatigued muscles back to normal. This is a real tonic effect and not simply a deadening of the sense of fatigue such as follows the use of caffeine.

Simple, Powerful Hydrotherapy

The simple but powerful use of hydrotherapy is available to everyone. Showers, tubs, towels, and initiative are the only tools necessary. There are many ways to apply hot and/or cold water. These are some of the simple treatments that have worked best for my family:

Contrast Showers | Soaking | Healing Compresses | Steaming 

These therapies can transform your life and the life of the ones you love. Try them out today!

You’ll be glad you did.

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